A Course in “FI-Losophy”
De-clutter, harmonize, and thrive your
way into financial
Your Instructor
Tyson Koska
CEO & Founder
for Paid or Trial Subscribers
- 7- week structure (about 45-minutes per week)
- Learn to model both theoretical and real-life scenarios
- Understand the HOW and WHY of ‘FI’
- Integrate lessons from Eastern and Western philosophy
- Trial subscribers receive an extension to allow time for completion
One-to-One Data Review Services
Get personalized guidance and support as your craft your financial plan in OnTrajectory.
- Work directly with an OnTrajectory expert in a live screen sharing session
- Ensure your anticipated income streams are entered accurately
- Create budget-groups for recurring expenses
- Enter time-based expenses, such as a mortgage or tuition payments
- Tailor growth or inflation expectations for specific expenses over time
- Learn how to adjust anticipated contributions as your expenses change
- Understand how to track your actual progress and adjust assumptions
- Assess the effects of RMDs, early withdrawal penalties, and rollovers
- Understand technical analysis using Monte Carlo and historical simulations
60 minute
sessionAdditional sessions available at
$100 per 30 minutes. -
Please be aware that no information provided during a class or data review session should be considered investing or tax advice. All financial information is solely for educational purposes. Please see your own professional for personal investment or tax advice.