Support / Setting Goals

Setting Goals (Available in Unlimited Plan)

OnTrajectory helps you visually track your certain type of Goals that you may be working toward. For example, you can reveal the date at which you will hit $100,000, or you can determine the rate-of-return you would need to hit $100,000 in 5-years.

Goals can be defined either for both your 'Trajectory' (average growth) or for your 'Projected Progress'. You can even set an account-level goal from the Item Properties tab of an account.

Setting an Account-Level Goal

Within the Accounts, Assets & Taxes tab, you can set a goal for any of your accounts by clicking on a row and choosing ‘Set Account Goal’ from the Items Settings window.

Set Account Goal menu

Entering a goal amount automatically creates a new goal in the Goals table, which can be viewed by going to Strategies > Goals.

Trajectory and Progress Goals

To set goals for your total assets go to Strategies > Goals. The Goals window allows you to create two types of goals (including those at an account level).

  1. The Date a certain amount will be reached in the future,
  2. The % Growth Rate necessary to reach an amount by a certain date.
Goals list

For example, First goal icon (below) shows when this individual will reach $500,000. Note that the calculated Date can be in the past if that is when the goal was reached.

Goal on the chart

Now suppose this individual wished to know the rate necessary to reach that goal 3 years quicker. The Second goal icon in the image below shows the average-growth path necessary. Note that rate calculations assume annual compounding and is based on the calendar year. For example, if the calculation begins in June of one year and ends in June of the next, the 6-months of gains in the first year will be compounded into the second year.

Finally, these 2 types of goals can be created for 3 different types of data:

  1. Total Average Growth (the orange "Trajectory" line on your graph),
  2. Individual Account Average Growth ("date" goals only),
  3. Projected Progress (the gray dotted line on your graph).

Projected progress is based on your last progress update (if one exists) "projected" into the future based on the growth rates you have defined for each account.

The result is 5 pre-defined goals that can be selected. To create a new Goal, simply select it from the dropdown:

Pre-defined goals templates

Definitions of each of the 5 goals:


1. Trajectory reaches $_____ on this DATE

Result: The date your Trajectory reaches a certain dollar amount (if valid).

2. Projected Progress reaches $_____ on this DATE

Result: The date your Projected Progress reaches a certain dollar amount (if valid).

3. Account reaches $_____ on this DATE

Result: The date a selected Account reaches a certain dollar amount (if valid).


4. Trajectory reaches $_____ on _____ at this RATE

Result: The growth rate your Trajectory needs to reach a certain dollar amount by a certain date. The Rate is an overall cumulative % Growth of all Accounts.

5. Projected Progress reaches $_____ on _____ at this RATE

Result: The growth rate your Projected Progress needs to reach a certain dollar amount by a certain date. The Rate is an overall cumulative % Growth of all Accounts.

NOTE: Setting Goals in no way alters your Trajectory — they are simply a visual reference based on the data input.