Support / Creating & Managing Scenarios

Creating & Managing Scenarios

OnTrajectory lets you create two scenarios in the Basic plan and an unlimited amount of scenarios in the Unlimited plan to better support your ability to assess ‘what-if’ analyses and plan your financial future.

As a new user, ‘Scenario 1' is created and made by default.

Scenario dropdown menu

To create an additional scenario, click on ‘Create a new scenario from…’. This will allow you to either create a brand new scenario or to copy an existing scenario and then renaming it.

Create an additional

Selecting New Scenario prompts you to name the new scenario and answer some initial questions in the Guide which will then create a base-line for the new scenario. You are free to enter whatever new data you wish, and it will not alter your original scenario in any way.

In addition to adding scenarios, several other actions can be performed from the scenario window — as indicated in the image below.

Scenarios dropdown
             actions menu

Compare scenarios (only available in the unlimited plan) will allow you to compare multiple scenarios on the same chart.

Compare scenario menu

Click on ‘Compare’ and the scenario you are currently viewing will be listed at the top of the window. Below it, you will see your other scenarios that you can compare. Click up to two additional scenarios to compare and click ‘Compare Now’.

Comparing current scenario

The default scenario will be represented by the blue line on the chart. The other two scenarios will be dotted orange and black lines. If you wish to change the default scenario, simply click on either the orange/black dotted line or the tabs located in the upper left corner of the chart.

Comparing alternate