Support / Chart Elements and Settings (Available in Unlimited Plan)

Chart Elements and Settings (Available in Unlimited Plan)

1. Chart Elements

To enable specific elements to the On Trajectory chart, access the Toggle Chart Elements feature located on the 3 dot menu:

Assumptions bar actions menu

Opening this window will offer the following functionality that can be turned on/off on the chart:

Chart elements menu

2. Settings

The Settings window can be found in top right corner of the website:

Header menu settings item

Interface Options

Interface options allow you to customize and enable certain UI components of the website:

Settings interface options

Calculation Options

Calculation options allow you to customize and enable certain calculation options on the website:

Settings calculation
      options tab

Centralized Tax Settings

Tax settings allow you to customize how taxes are to be calculated for your account:

Settings central tax tab

The following topics will be covered in this Guide:

  1. Chart Elements
  2. Settings